Edible Prairie Local Veggie Baskets

Our community supported agriculture (CSA) basket program provides carefully curated fresh and local produce to subscribers each week during Wyoming’s growing season. We use a pay-what-you-can pricing model to fit different budget needs. By signing up for an Edible Prairie Basket you are directly supporting our nonprofit work and our local network of farmers and ranchers.

The Spring Greens Basket season runs for 4 weeks in May and includes early spring crops and goodies like lettuce, spinach, kale, chard, microgreens, eggs, and honey!

The Summer Basket season runs for 10 weeks July through September and includes all your summer favorites like squash, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, corn, eggs, honey, and locally raised meat!

With our Fall Harvest Basket, you will receive storage crops like potatoes, winter squash, onions, carrots, beets, and potatoes on one (or two) pickup days in October. Continue below for our different pricing options!


Free Baskets for SNAP and/or WIC families!

We have FREE Spring Greens, Summer, and Fall Harvest Baskets available to families currently using SNAP or WIC benefits. Families will also receive free kitchen utensils!


New Discounted Baskets Now Available!

We have also added a discounted basket tier (up to 40% off the retail price) for families that do not qualify for federal nutrition assistance but fall below Wyoming's self-sufficiency standard. For example, if your household has 1 adult + 1 pre-school aged child + 1 school aged child and your annual income is $50,000 or less you qualify for discounted baskets. Families will also receive free kitchen utensils!

Retail Baskets!

The Edible Prairie Local Veggie Basket program is a selection of farm fresh, locally grown produce that customers pick up each week.  This is a great option for busy families that would like to support local farmers and producers but don’t have the time to shop at the local farmers' market.